Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bear with Me

If the first age old question is "Does a bear go potty in the woods?" The second is obviously: "Do bears dance in the woods?" Having observed the answer to the first question by leftovers in the woods; I now know the answer to the second question.

My life is complete.

Follow this link to find out for yourself. (Aaron thought it was hilarious, so obviously this is "G" rated.) I cannot guarantee your life will be any better for having seen it but you will know the answer for yourself.



Heidi said...

Now I know where Kurt got his dance moves.

Kristi said...

curtis interrupted my evening to make me watch this video. he apparently found it as humorous as Aaron.

Unknown said...

Heidi can do that. All she needs is two drinks and a pole.

VikingMom said...

Ummm....I don't know what to say about that.

Heidi? Your thoughts?

Heidi said...

I guess that Kurt should start including his disclaimer on his comments.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I apologize for any trauma Kurt's comment may have inflicted.

Of course, he was telling the truth, but perhaps it's best to not go there.

I'm kidding.

Maybe I need a disclaimer as well.