Thursday, February 21, 2008

Zee Creeping Crud

My daughter was home today with a lovely sinus infection. Her nose was stuffy with her eyes a light shade of viral pink accompanied with a cough that made her sound like she'd been smoking for a few years. Fun. However, for the first time ever in her life she was mad at me for making her stay home from school. What? Seriously! My daughter has been known to do a great job of acting sick, getting to stay home and being miraculously cured within one hour of school starting. Not today...she wanted to go to school.


You never know what they're going to throw at you.


Kurt said...

Hmm - I wonder what his name is...

VikingMom said...

Bite your tongue Kurt!

Kurt said...

why does everybody keep telling me that?

Heidi said...

Well, if there is a "him" involved, he's a very lucky "him" to have won the attention of someone as cool as Tamila. In any event, I hope she's feeling better soon!