Angry mom came out tonight. She was not happy.
She was a good Dutiful Mom until she lost her patience. Why, you ask?
Tamila missed two days of school last week and Dutiful Mom called the school absence line to notify them each day. Austin has missed two days of school this week and Dutiful Mom did the right thing once again. What does Dutiful Mom get? A recorded voice mail message tonight informing me that my son "William" missed school today and I needed to call the absence line.
Dutiful Mom turned quickly into Angry Mom.
Unwisely, Angry Mom immediately called back the absence line and left a not so nice voice mail for them to hear. She informed them that she had received their message and that she had called them earlier today. For "those who weren't listening the first time" she repeated the information she had given them this morning. Angry Mom did not use her nice voice. She used her Angry Mom voice.
Angry Mom's family thought it was hilarious when they heard her leaving the message. Now she feels really guilty. Her husband poked at her saying something about being a "good witness". Now Angry Mom has turned into Remorseful Mom. So, to the absence line people of Marine View Middle School I leave my apologies...but you really should've listened the first time.
Remorseful Mom
HAHA - Priceless!! Some quotes for you from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (appropriate for the occasion, dontcha think?)
Jekyll’s letter to Utterson, describing Hyde, "...they were the expression, and bore the stamp, of lower elements in my soul."
Jekyll, highlighting his lack of control over Hyde, "I was slowly losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with my second and worse."
ekyll, continuing his description of his own desire to be Hyde, "...and it was as an ordinary secret sinner that I at last fell before the assaults of temptation."
Jekyll, reassuring Utterson, "The moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde."
If it makes you feel any better last week I was late getting to school, because I had a late ride and the girl said it wasn't a good enough excuse. So if the people at marine view are like the people at fvhs....they deserved it.
Love the quotes true! Unfortunately Jordan, I have to admit that I called back and left an apology. That should give the attendance office a laugh! Can you tell? Remorseful Mom won.
Laurel - you're my hero.
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