Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Here are a few things I've discovered in the last couple of weeks:

* Running head first into your Suburban's tailgate will give you a nice headache the next day. Don't do it--it's not worth the pain. It doesn't impress your husband either.

* Anti-Viral Kleenex does not make a good toilet paper replacement. Believe contains citric acid. Need I say more?

* Hunting down a screeching cricket at 1:30 in the morning is not wise--especially when said cricket jumps down your shirt. Not only will you end up with a case of the willies, but now you're too wired to sleep and the escaped cricket will sound even louder with each saw of its legs.

I'm sure there are more bits of wisdom floating around in my head, but whacking my head on the Suburban will keep it that way for a while. (That and getting 4 hours of sleep after being up with sick kids all night.) I'll keep you posted if I learn anything else worthwhile.



christie walker said...

that is SO funny about the kleenex. I am sure it was not funny at the time but now it is.

Heidi said...

I'm sorry about your head - that sucks. I'm glad it wasn't worse (like requiring stitches or something).

The Kleenex? That sucks but is kinda funny...

The cricket? Sorry - EVERYTHING about that is funny!

I'm anxious to hear about more discoveries.

VikingMom said...

It is my purpose in life to entertain everyone through my life's misadventures. (Even the ones that sting and burn afterwards!) I'll let you guess which one that was.

johnsonandjohnson said...

I love all of your discoveries. They made me chuckle....

World of Wright said...

My mom did the Kleenex thing once. It only takes 1 usage to learn that lesson.

VikingMom said...

Yep! Once is all it takes. They should put a warning on the box.