Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quiet Bliss

Our lives have slowed down enough for one day that there isn't anything to blog about. Austin is off at practice. I have no soap box rants about crazy drivers or even a humorous story about Travis to muse on. (Who, currently, is sleeping on the couch draped across the top cushions like a cat.) It is the calm before the storm though, UGSFAW is looming in the near future. With UGSFAW comes early mornings and energy filled days. For now though, I'll enjoy the relative calm of Tamila strumming the same three chords on her guitar, Billy and Travis snoring and the cool ocean breeze.


(P.S. After writing this post I realized the music had stopped. Tamila is now asleep on the couch with the guitar in her arms. Aaron and I are the only one's awake. Can you say "Ice Cream" break?)

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