Within ear shot.
Austin had a baseball tournament in San Diego this past weekend. The last game on Sunday took place on an oddly shaped field with bleachers that were 4 feet from the fence. In other words, we were literally breathing down the player's necks as we watched them play. Everytime your child stepped up to the plate or caught they were privy to all the things you would normally say about them in a game. Oops!
On deckAs I watched Austin play I wisely held my tongue. Until he came to his first at bat. Many of you already know, but Austin is a ball magnet. He gets hit 2-3 times a tournament while at bat on top of the bruises he obtains while catching. (Austin is #4 above, as well as the catcher in the other two pics.) The Colts, the opposing team, know he likes to crowd the plate. So what do you do with a batter who crowds you? You brush him back with some chin music of course! The pitcher hurtled one at Austin's head. The ball sizzled as it flew. Thankfully, Austin dropped back and was okay.
I wasn't however.
Since I don't normally sit so close, I usually don't get an up close and personal view of my son's head being used as a target. I couldn't hold my tongue on this one and spontaneously ripped out, "Hey! That's my son's head that you're aiming at! I know he's a ball magnet, but...seriously?".
Austin was a dutiful son and ignored my comment, but I knew he heard what I had said. The other mom's around me chuckled because we knew that I was busted for saying anything. With the next pitch he crowded the plate once again and took a pitch off of his left shoulder. The ball smacked meatily. Austin dropped his bat and trotted to first base.
After it was all over I asked him if he had heard me. He smirked and said, "Mom...I was fine. I wasn't going to let him hit my head."
Yeah...whatever. I carried that head and the body it's attached to for 9 1/2 months. I washed it when it was dirty. Paid for it's upkeep through dental and Dr. visits. Helped it's brain grow through nutrition and schoolwork. Hugged it when it was crying. You could say I've become
pretty attached to it over the years.
Therefore, I reserve the right to make a fool of myself in front of others. However, the next time we sit so close I better wear a muzzle. :)
Austin's team brushing back a batter. Touche'!