Friday, August 15, 2008

Fish Killer

Ah, my dear friends and faithful readers. Let me spin you a tail of a dark night filled with blood and horror. It started out innocently enough when six children, ages 4 to 15 decided to fish off the dock at Big Bear Lake. The full moon was shining brightly as they cast their lines out in hopes of catching a beautiful trout or even a bass. They wiled away their time with lively chit- chat and childhood games. Their excitement reached new levels when Annie's line began to move. Annie had caught a fish. Being the daughter of a fisherman she dutifully set the hook and fought the fish. 15 minutes later she reeled it in close enough to the dock where Austin caught it with the net.

That's when the children called the fish killer in.


Annie was excited about her trophy fish. Nobody wanted to touch I did. I got messy and removed the hook due to the citified nature of everyone else there. After the small operation, I stuck my finger through it's cheek and gill so Annie could take pictures with it. (I was holding on to it of course...everyone else was too squeamish.) She beamed with excitement when we measured her fish at 3 lbs and 21 inches. She couldn't wait to call home and tell her parents all about it.

You ask, what type of fish was it? Annie's beautiful trophy fish?

A carp.

A nasty stinky carp.

She wanted to keep it. Being a good friend I obliged her. The following video will show you what happened to the carp that night and terrible end it came to. (Note: after the brutality we froze the fish to show her mom the next day. Two days post mortem it became lovely crawfish bait. That's another story on another day.)



Kristi said...

I will never eat fish again.

Heidi said...

Hey I've got a spider in my living room - can you come over and take care of it for me?

You're a legend.

Diane Davis said...

that is so freaking awesome. laurel, you are a rock star. and billy, nice sound effects.

discomommy said...

YES! My kind of Mom right there!

SingingShrink said...

awesome. simply awesome.

Heidi said...

Okay seriously? I love this video and could watch it over and over - but are you ever going to blog again?

Kris said...

Laurel, Steve loved this! He laughed almost as much as I did! We'll have to send you out with Grandpa Rod!

Christine said...

haha wow gets better everytime!!! couldn't you have used one of my uncle's towels though?

Anonymous said...

that is so gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Anonymous said...

that was totaly wiked!!!!!!!!!!!

VikingMom said...

Kristin...I think Rod may have been the one to show me. Dad and Rod used to go fishing together and I was their little tag along. This is truly a small world...isn't it?