After Travis's rough morning of being sick, he miraculousy recovered for our car ride to Logan Pass. As our car climbed over the continental divide we caught glimpses of God's incredible creation through a thick fog. Views of jagged peaks covered with snow, tumbling waterfalls and lush green flora were forever carved in our hearts as we made our journey. The plants and rocks were so gorgeous--they make man's feeble attempts a landscaping look like child's play. I wish all of you could have been there with us.
Our view as we rounded a bend on the way down. The sheer drop off on the left was unsettling to think of.
One of the many views through the fog.
The flowers were incredible. This pic is just one of many--they were in every color of the rainbow. Awesome!
Later that day we went on a hike through an area that had burned in 2003. It's amazing to see how the area has recovered so beautifully.
The trail before us...right before the burn area.
Truly beauty from ashes...
Austin leading the way as usual.
A view through the trees.
On a light note: we carried our bear deterrent to protect us. As another safety measure we had to sing and talk loudly as we climbed along the trail. (Being loud is not an issue for us!) Spongebob (F.U.N., Best Day Ever), Chowder and a couple of Chris Tomlin's songs were in our repertoire. I'm sure the grizzlies weren't only forewarned of our presence but highly entertained (or scared) as well!
Who took all the pristine pics . . . loved them . . . xoxo
Mostly Tamila...she has a great eye. Billy took a few too.
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