Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Shot the Moon

I'm always wishing I had more time to take pictures. My problem is that I like to tweak buttons and mess with exposure and shutter speeds, so it is never a quick project. It doesn't help that a lot of what I do is through trial and error.

A few nights ago we arrived at the house and the moon was gorgeous. The boys and I looked at it through the binoculars and I couldn't believe the detail we could see. I decided to take a picture of it.

The first few shots were overexposed with no detail at all. After a few minutes of messing with settings I took this picture. Without a tripod. I like it.


The original.

A cropped version.


Kristi said...

that is sweet.

i'm glad it was not billy's moon.

that would have been awkward.

Kris said...

Wow! you can actually see is not a teensy glowing dot in a black expanse that only the photographer knows is the moon. Great pic!

Rick said...

I hope you didn't copyright the picture because it is now my wallpaper on my laptop

Billy said...

No copyright and not my moon, the real moon.

SingingShrink said...

Call me crazy, but I think I see Ray Charles in your moon! Nice shot.

Heidi said...

You lost me at Billy's moon.

(but the pic is astounding)... :)

Frances Williams said...

love it, great shot!!!!

Kris said...

I see the moon,
The moon sees me,
God bless the moon,
And God bless me.