A few nights ago we arrived at the house and the moon was gorgeous. The boys and I looked at it through the binoculars and I couldn't believe the detail we could see. I decided to take a picture of it.
The first few shots were overexposed with no detail at all. After a few minutes of messing with settings I took this picture. Without a tripod. I like it.
The original.
A cropped version.

that is sweet.
i'm glad it was not billy's moon.
that would have been awkward.
Wow! you can actually see it..it is not a teensy glowing dot in a black expanse that only the photographer knows is the moon. Great pic!
I hope you didn't copyright the picture because it is now my wallpaper on my laptop
No copyright and not my moon, the real moon.
Call me crazy, but I think I see Ray Charles in your moon! Nice shot.
You lost me at Billy's moon.
(but the pic is astounding)... :)
love it, great shot!!!!
I see the moon,
The moon sees me,
God bless the moon,
And God bless me.
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