Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new culinary prodigy on our hands. Travis at the tender age of 4 has discovered the power of the kitchen.

Monday morning, while lazying about watching TV, Travis came in and asked me if he could make himself a ketchup sandwich. Groggily, I said yes, not realizing what I had agreed to. Next thing I know, Travis is standing next to me happily munching away on a ketchup filled sandwich: literally two pieces of bread with a filling of ketchup in between. Hmm...this peeked my interest, so I called in the rest of the crew to only discover that yes, indeed, Travis had come up with this idea on his own, executed it, and reaped it's benefits.

Apparently his creation is now his favorite food...guess what he made for snack? Yep. A ketchup sandwich.

Ewww....gag. But I'm not going to complain--I didn't have to make it!



Heidi said...

Okay - so now people will quit giving me a hard time about my peanut butter, mayonnaise and lettuce concoction.

Nice work Travis - you rule!

World of Wright said...

A great chef has to begin somewhere.
What is it with kids and ketchup anyway?

Zach said...

I would have to agree. A lot of kids go through the ketchup sandwich phase. The love ketchup and sandwiches so why not combine it? Genius.

Diane Davis said...

ewwwww is right. but he sounded so proud!

Frances Williams said...

ok, that's gross!!!

Kris said...

I was going to tell you this earlier and forgot. I told my son about Travis' tastes and he (15) said, "mom, that is a GREAT sandwich". He then told me it is even better using a hotdog bun. Just the bun and ketchup. After that he made a sandwich of his own for lunch..meat, cheese, mayo, mustard, relish, frito corn chips..and ketchup. Stock up on the red sauce, Laurel..you have a long way to go!

VikingMom said...

Kristen...that must be the secret recipe that grows the Hansell boys so big and gives them facial hair by the age of 4!

Kris said...

lololol, my sister said she thought we fed them too much chicken. The hormones from the store bought chicken might be changing my kids. I laughed, we don't eat that much chicken! Organic deer, yes. Chicken, no...