Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Catch of the Day

Although sick, Austin is apparently still a prodigious bug hunter. Sitting at the computer he caught this sucker as it flew in from the patio. The Japanese Beetle (and yes, I know that's a misnomer...I can't find the real name for it. Everyone I know just calls them that.) They are really pretty to look at with their green iridescence, although scarey if they buzz past your face unexpectedly. Right now the poor guy is sucking on his cucumber slice hoping that we release him. No worries there! It's cleaning day and his release hour is coming up soon.
Edited to add: I finally found out what it is. The Fig Beetle. (or the Green June Beetle.)


Heidi said...

You're a good mom, Laurel. I don't know too many women who would allow a green roach with wings to take up residence with them and dine on cucmumber slices...

VikingMom said...

The beetle is no longer in residence. He happily flew away 30 minutes ago. The poor thing looked so sad so I took mercy upon his soul and let him go. (Much to Aaron and Travis's dismay.)