Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Am Missing Earl

This Blog - a - thon is preventing me from watching what appears to be a really funny episode of Earl. Every time I start to watch it (I TIVO ed it) I see someone's new comment and miss all of the punchlines. I will watch it later. I am going to try to watch "Survivor" now.


Heidi said...

I LOVE this show. And the Office. Were they both new this week?

Billy and Laurel said...

Yes! Austin starts to lose it on Wednesday with excitement over the office. Then we're always mean and make him go to bed before The Office comes on on Thursday.

We're loving parents, aren't we?

VikingMom said...

Sorry...that was me posting as Billy. Hence, the exclamation points and descriptive writing.

Kristi said...

The Office was AMAZING. I almost blogged about it, but i'll just comment instead.

Jon in HB said...

we just got done watching a DVRed episode of Eli Stone, does anyone else watch that?

VikingMom said...



Kristi said...

i'm here...but leaving soon.

VikingMom said...

I've never seen Eli Stone. But there was a ripple of happiness through our house this week with the season premiere of Deadliest Catch. We can't get enough of Captain Sig.